Kids Plant Themed Gift Pack


Kids Plant Themed Gift Pack

You will receive:

  • 1 notepad - 20 pages, A6 in size (10.5 x 14.8cm) printed on FSC Certified 80gsm Recycled Paper

  • 1 bookmark - Printed on FSC Certified 100% Recycled 300gsm Sturdy Cardstock, with a laminate coating, and double sided with rounded edges to reduce likelihood of corners creasing.
    Measuring approximately 5 x 15 cm

  • 3 stickers - Vinyl, measuring approximately 6 x 6 cm

Ready to Ship

The plant characters on have been hand drawn then digitally re-created by my son. Profit from the sale of these gift packs will go to my son.

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Kids Plant Themed Gift Pack

You will receive:

  • 1 notepad - 20 pages, A6 in size (10.5 x 14.8cm) printed on FSC Certified 80gsm Recycled Paper

  • 1 bookmark - Printed on FSC Certified 100% Recycled 300gsm Sturdy Cardstock, with a laminate coating, and double sided with rounded edges to reduce likelihood of corners creasing.
    Measuring approximately 5 x 15 cm

  • 3 stickers - Vinyl, measuring approximately 6 x 6 cm

Ready to Ship

The plant characters on have been hand drawn then digitally re-created by my son. Profit from the sale of these gift packs will go to my son.

Kids Plant Themed Gift Pack

You will receive:

  • 1 notepad - 20 pages, A6 in size (10.5 x 14.8cm) printed on FSC Certified 80gsm Recycled Paper

  • 1 bookmark - Printed on FSC Certified 100% Recycled 300gsm Sturdy Cardstock, with a laminate coating, and double sided with rounded edges to reduce likelihood of corners creasing.
    Measuring approximately 5 x 15 cm

  • 3 stickers - Vinyl, measuring approximately 6 x 6 cm

Ready to Ship

The plant characters on have been hand drawn then digitally re-created by my son. Profit from the sale of these gift packs will go to my son.

All of my products are sized, printed, cut and created in a way to minimise the amount of waste that ends up in landfill.
I hope you like my designs as much as I enjoyed creating them.

Designed & Printed in Australia

© E M Card Designs 2023